Your conveyancer's guide to the CON29DW drainage and water enquiry
Download your copy of our Conveyancers Guide to the CON29DW Drainage and Water Enquiry today.

We know that the results of their drainage and water search is unlikely to be at the forefront of your client’s mind when they instruct you to carry out the conveyancing on their dream home.
Nevertheless the Law Society’s CON29DW Drainage and Water Enquiry is an essential part of the residential conveyancing process.
It plays a critical role in helping you to ensure that you identify any drainage and water matters that may impact on your client’s costs or future liabilities. It also helps you identify any drainage and water constraints that could restrict or impact your client’s freedom to extend or alter their property.
The results of a CON29DW could elicit potentially deal-breaking information.
In our work with property professionals, we have been repeatedly told of a desire to be better equipped in the understanding and interpretation of the CON29DW.
You want to understand how and why the questions and answers in the CON29DW Enquiry are important to you and your clients.
That’s why we’ve created this Conveyancer’s Guide to the CON29DW.
This guide will:
- Help you understand and interpret the CON29DW Drainage and Water Enquiry questions
- Illustrate where helpful the context and reasoning behind the questions
- Explain the implications of answers you may receive
- Provide examples of important details to look out for
- Highlight certain risk areas
- Provide a guide to commonly used water and sewerage industry terminology.
In our opinion, the CON29DW is the most comprehensive and reliable way for conveyancing professionals to protect homebuyers from a range of drainage and water risks which could impact on the value, title and future maintenance costs of a property. It offers a clear trail of responsibility back to the water company and gives you and your client peace of mind.
The key to getting the best out of the CON29DW Enquiry is your understanding and interpretation of the search results you receive.
We hope you find this Conveyancer’s Guide helpful.