Groundsure UXO Search
Why choose Groundsure UXO Search?
The UK was heavily bombed and shelled in both world wars. It is estimated that up to 50% of all UK land has had some military activity on it, with some 10% of all historic munitions failing to explode.
UXO could be found anywhere nationally and past poor practice has left many sites exposed to the risk.
As more building projects are developed it’s essential to understand the potential risks of UXO within the vicinity of your client’s site. Unexpected discoveries could lead to delays with project timescales as well as racking up additional costs for your client, and so by undertaking this search your clients have a comprehensive view on risks.
This report also covers the possible health and safety risks for contractors under CDM 2015. We have partnered with industry specialists Igne to provide a comprehensive view on the risks, so they can be factored into a site assessment.
Who does Groundsure UXO Search help?
Groundsure UXO Search is suitable for the following:
- Commercial
- Development sites
What does Groundsure UXO Search reveal?
The report reveals five key environmental risks:
- Analysis of over 3000 projects to mitigate bomb risks on development sites since 1991
- Accurate bomb density mapping based from Ordnance Survey maps 1931-1944
- Extensive archive of previous bomb excavation works and threat assessment
- Bomb, V1 and V2 strike locations from original war records and area damage assessments (London only)
- UXO risk assessment – contour maps applied around potential source of strike locations Ground stability & Coal
- Energy & Infrastructure
- Agricultural considerations
This report is available in two working days.